mORK Privacy Policy

The mORK application does not gather any information about the user. The application requests your ORK login information and retrieves all other information from the remote Amtgard site.

The application allows the user to upload a photo from the devices gallery. 

The application can scan QR codes using the Camera and via Near Field Communication (NFC) tags for the purposes of adding player credits to park days or events. 

On Android devices, the application allows a player URL to be written to an NFC tag for the purposes outlined above. 

There is no data retention within the application and once logged out, no information is maintained regarding the previously logged in user. 

There is no Third-Party sharing of information since this application does not gather any information. 

Any change to this privacy policy will be mentioned in the update notes within the app store. 

This policy is in effect as of May 1st, 2020. You can contact with any further questions about the privacy policy.